The revolution will not be subsidized
Looking for a great way to jeopardize funding for schools, roads, and other state/local services? Here's one...
View ArticleGet your $600 check! cost? only $2,593.00!
I wonder which Neocon came up with the rather insidious idea of these "rebate" checks from the government to us that will be arriving in the next week or two. I wouldn't give credit to Helicopter Ben...
View ArticleThere is no credit crisis for creditworthy companies
The cost of credit has risen for financial institutions, especially those who created the crisis by leveraging up on asset bubbles.As these companies fail, the remaining financials will get stronger...
View ArticleBorrow and Spend Forever, Baby
[Cross-posted at The Left Coaster.]His Tricepness, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, just waved a magic Sacramento scepter of fiscal crisis and called a special session of the legislature to solve...
View ArticleIs America "Too Big to Fail?"
The American economy has been shown to be a pyramid scheme in which individuals and institutions "grow" by borrowing more and more money. Now we seem to have run out of money to borrow, the debtors...
View ArticleMeg Whitman Boggles
Meg Whitman, potential Republican candidate for Governor of California and former head of eBay, has an op-ed in today's Sac Bee about California Proposition 1A, 1B, and 1C. Now I am not sure where I...
Remember the Seinfeld episode, where George Costanza (unemployed, broke, no girlfriend, living at home) comes to the realization that everything that he has ever done in his life, has been wrong -- and...
View ArticleRaising (Mc)Cain
John McCain is back. I just read a headline that said so. After his ill-run campaign and subsequent shellacking by Barack Obama, he retired into his Senate office and mused for awhile before emerging...
View ArticleWould YOU Lend Money, to US? Chances are, you already Have
If you suddenly won the Power Ball Lottery, and instantly had Multi-Millions of new found wealth -- would you Invest at least few Millions into buying U.S. Govt Treasury Bonds?Bonds that pay a nice...
View ArticleWould the Last Taxpayer standing, Turn out the Lights?
If you suddenly won the Power Ball Lottery, and instantly had Multi-Millions of new found wealth -- would you Invest at least few Millions into buying U.S. Govt Treasury Bonds?Bonds that pay a nice...
View ArticleTea party irony: It's not default, it's money printing
The great irony of this entire conflict, as pointed out by Robert Reich, is that the tea party Republicans won't get what they want even if they do succeed in preventing the debt ceiling from rising.
View ArticleGolden Oldie: Did Bush Leave Us Bankrupt, Corrupt, Ungovernable?
Feb. 2010: Did Bush Leave Us Bankrupt, Corrupt, Ungovernable?When you sell the farm, the farm's gone. Is it already too late for America? I’m starting to think that the anti-tax, anti-government...
View ArticleIndigo Kalliope: Poems From the Left: Eliminate Wall Street
Join us every Monday evening for drinks at the Daily Kos community political poetry club. Drop by and speak your mind in rhyme or blank verse. Poetry is always welcome in the comments. Let’s use...
View ArticleIs the Debt Zombie Lie a Product of Ignorance, Dishonesty, or Laziness?
At last night’s debate Mike Pence touched upon, without expressly stating, one of the GOP’s favorite zombie lies, which happens to be my least-favorite Republican zombie lie. He said that “under this...
View ArticleExactly what do GOP voters believe in nowadays?
Deficit and debt. For Republicans this has been a staple for close management and reduction and a symbol of government excess. During Obama's time all policies were blocked mainly using this as an...
View ArticleMoney Supply, Borrowing, Inflation, Recession
I had a really great discussion with someone in Meteor Blades’ diary on the current recession about the relationship of money supply, borrowing, recession, and inflation.The poster asked about where...
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